Report for:  A. Specimen

According to the Personality Type Questionnaire you completed, the 'Type' that best describes your preferred style is:

Extrovert Intuitive Feeler Perceiving

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ENFPs are often referred to as the "Messenger" or "Journalist" and it is shared by approximately 5% of the population.  Thus, 95% of those you meet perceive the world around them differently from the way you do.

An ENFP is an individual with a variety of talents:
creativity, imagination, individualism, ambition,
originality, vision, perceptiveness and intellect. 

You continually live in the place of possibilities, invariably seeing the potential in every one and every situation.  It’s those potentials that keep you energised, and when you are engrossed in your latest project, your attention remains undivided.  For others, your levels of activity and intensity are sometimes fatiguing to watch.  As long as your interest in the project remains, you are unrelenting in the quest to reach your goal.

The near and far horizons of the world are your primary fascinations and you are an enthusiastic explorer of those things just beyond many people’s vision.  But in your pursuits, you may find over and over again that your interest wanes as soon as you get close to your goal, or as soon as humdrum routine takes over.  As soon as your interest dwindles, it is very hard for you to gather your energy and concentration together and finish the project.  You are terrific at initiating projects, but not the best at finishing them.  The successful ENFP knows to find a more structured implementer to help in completing tasks.

The gift that allows you to have many devoted followers is the commitment and self-confidence that you radiate which is infectious.  You have the ability to be a model for many others who lack your talent, perseverance and personal drive.  Of all the Personality Types, you possess an almost magnetic quality that allows you to have fun in almost any setting.  However, your vivacious personality can leave some types frustrated and even resentful of your carefree attitude.  Simply accept this as reality because it will not be long before they too, become attracted to your energy and charm.

Your combination of personality preferences prepares you well to be a leader, both at work and at home. You have an inborn ability to not judge or criticise others, but are instead able to deeply understand people, know what motivates them, and acknowledge their unique contributions.  These qualities mean that people are naturally attracted to you and you find yourself surrounded by many friends.  Of all the sixteen Personality Types, yours is the most spirited and motivating.  In turn, the quality of your relationships, and the esteem and affection you receive from people, fuels you to peak levels of personal achievement.

With your intense sensitivity to people, you can easily integrate the satisfaction of their needs and desires with the accomplishment of your goals.  Your combination of Feeling and Perception puts you in touch with other people's needs and helps you to be truly open and accepting of others.  Intuition helps you grasp the climate of thought and express it effectively.  Extraversion makes it natural for you to reach out, talk, persuade, sell and make the human connection.

You tackle an amazing variety of problems with ease and the diversity of your interests is mirrored by the diversity of your friends.  In fact, diversity is the universal key to happiness in your life.  But unless you make a concerted effort to develop more focus, you may find yourself frittering away your brilliance and impulsive energy on poorly thought out projects, or ones which never manage to reach successful completion.

You spend a great deal of your energy on exploring and understanding who you are—to be authentic, develop yourself and increase your personal mastery, create meaningful relationships, set forth goals, all for the purpose of being able to deeply touch others.  The greatest compliment you can receive from others is to be wholly accepted for your true self.  Because you strive to really be you all of the time, without pretence or artifice, you may tend to be overly self-critical for failing to realise your true potential on occasion.  This could lead you to be self-conscious or self-absorbed until you pick yourself up again.

You are capable of keeping life new and fresh, and your infectious enthusiasm communicates your sense of the possible to others.  You radiate intensity and focused attention.  Frequently, you have the feeling of being on the brink of a great discovery about people or life.  What other less creative types may see as mundane occurrences, often strike you as meaningful and significant.  You tap sources of stimulation and insight from all around, just in the course of your day-to-day living.  Your intuition gathers together information from the real world and mixes it with your imagination to synthesise a unique view of reality.

In reality, the Intuitive-Feeling person instinctively draws information and insights from realms which people with Sensing and Thinking characteristics often cannot detect, comprehend or embrace.  As a result, it is common for communication problems to arise.  From a Sensing-Thinking viewpoint, you tie disparate information together that can’t be quantified, is abstract, conceptual and almost metaphysical in nature.  How you simply seem to “know” things, trends or implications is often beyond their comprehension and doesn’t provide them with the hard-core facts and traceable steps that make them feel comfortable.  
You can predict the outcome of interactions on the basis of hunches.  Over the years, you have come to trust and rely on your hunches because you know from experience that they tend to be correct.  But other Personality Types, who are solidly grounded in here-and-now observable facts, have a hard time trusting your instincts.  From your perspective, they are unimaginative, boring and stuck in their ways.

But with your persuasive personality and keen understanding of others, you can often change their minds.  Sell them on your ideas at their level of practical facts, data, dollars-and-cents logic and what the payoffs are-and you will probably succeed.  With your outgoing and insightful nature, enlisting the support of other types comes naturally.

However, during those times when you are down, you can easily turn your best Intuition and Feeling qualities into negativity.  As a result, you may imagine slights, insults and injuries, and you can get yourself into a lot of trouble.  Your attitude and behaviour during those times becomes excessively sensitive, overly critical and super vigilant in searching for problems, threats and conflicts.

Because you accept as certainty many unverified sources of information, it can be hard for your well-established belief systems to be altered.  When presented with a problem, you may perceive only what you have already decided to be true, ignoring all information to the contrary.  Even though this is also the root of your creative genius, from time to time, your perceptions may be quite accurate, but the conclusions you draw may be off base.  Take a moment to see all sides of an issue clearly, before reacting or making final decisions.

Towing the line nor submission is your strong suit.  Rank and titles do not impress you.  Instead, you are an upbeat, self-reliant spirit who believes in yourself even when others don’t.  You tend to not like criticism and instead, surround yourself with other like-minded individuals.  In such an environment, you feel supported and your creativity flourishes.  But to keep you grounded and well-rounded, you may find it more than helpful to solicit information and feedback from others who can compliment your personality style—namely those Personality Types with Sensing, Thinking and Judging qualities.

Remember, the world needs people like you.  Organisations need people like you, even if their tolerance of you grows short from time to time.  Over the course of your life, you will be very wise to craft a career for yourself which provides you with control and autonomy over your work and includes the companionship of other creative and similarly minded individuals who can revel in an idea simply because it’s a great idea.

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Contributions to an Organisation

Each of the sixteen personality types has their own styles, strengths and blind spots.  The following items are the more obvious skills and talents you bring to an organisation, group or relationship.  These are your strengths.  Strengths often can turn into weaknesses if over-used and over-relied upon.  But used well, these strengths and talents can contribute to your success in career and relationships.
  • Brings a special brand of warmth, graciousness, enthusiasm, colour and vivaciousness to an organisation.

  • Seeks variety, challenge, diversity, novelty and ideas.

  • Easily handles and excels in ambiguous situations.

  • Has little hesitancy in becoming involved with the surrounding projects- does not hold back.

  • Is committed to the progress and growth of people.

  • Is so versatile, can do many different types of tasks.

  • Brings positive attitudes, passion and ongoing inspiration to almost any endeavour.

  • Is masterful at troubleshooting, putting out fires and finding innovative routes towards goals.

  • Tends to get interested in other projects before current ones are complete.

  • Easily sees and grasps all the future possibilities in a situation, especially for people.

  • Frequently originates projects and activities.

  • Is drawn to harmonious environments and the opportunities to interact with others.

  • Delegates work to others.

  • Will consider a schedule, but avoids tight timetables.

  • Enjoys focusing on the big picture.

  • Easily spots what is fake, a scam, or destructive.

  • Is highly people-oriented.

  • Is unafraid of change and is often a catalyst for it.

  • Is strongly loyal, particularly to the people of an organisation.


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Your Leadership Style

Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights your approach to leadership, provides clues as to how you will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of your leadership qualities.
  • Is enthusiastic and easily steps in when visionary leadership is required.  

  • Persuades and motivates others through infectious excitement.  

  • Tends to become interested in other projects before current ones are complete.  

  • Focuses on acknowledging the contributions that people bring to an organisation and their individual needs.  

  • Is much more interested in developing personal relationships with co-workers than taking a hands-off management or leadership approach.  

  • Acts as a catalyst, seeing a possibility and graciously enrolling people in his/her projects.  

  • Focuses on the impact of a crisis on people.  

  • Accepts risks, particularly if people will benefit.  

  • Deftly brings together the variety of people, resources, commitments and programs necessary for a project's completion.  

  • Prefers to focus on areas of agreement, but easily negotiates any differences among members so everyone can get back to a harmonious environment.  

  • Is flexible; seeks to be respected and ethical.  

  • Is value-oriented, becoming an advocate for the fulfillment of people's dreams.  

  • Believes leadership and authority is granted by integrity, not position.  

  • Expects loyalty and support.

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Your Communication Style  

Effective communication is composed of two elements: how well you listen, and how you express yourself. Good communication skills are at the heart of success.  Being aware of how we communicate, how others communicate and how we prefer others to communicate with us, is a significant step in achieving this objective.  Your personality style has its own communication strategies that are more effective for you than other’s communication styles.
  • Speaks with energy and excitement; is genial and friendly.

  • Replies quickly and thinks on his/her feet.

  • Much prefers talking in person to communicating in writing.

  • Fills conversation with possibilities and alternatives; uses lively vivid imagery with both oral and written words.

  • Conversations can wander as they see relationships between topics and put the pieces together.

  • Likes insights and unusual approaches.

  • Begins communicating by recapping areas of accord.

  • Offers presentations that cover all of the points, but are roundabout in nature.

  • Presents information and schedules as always tentative and adaptable.

  • Is persuaded through emotionally presented material based on personal experience.

  • Presents personal experiences to make points.

  • Sees the big picture and typically presents that first.

  • Speaks of missions and objectives, focusing on long-range results.

  • Likes to cover future challenges and additional possibilities or relationships.

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Problem Solving Style  

Different people solve problems in different ways. Based on your personality type, you will probably use the following methods and skills in problem solving:
  • Is a terrific improviser.

  • Sometimes tends to find more problems embedded within problems that delay decision-making.

  • Looks at problems contextually and weighs the different options from a "big picture" viewpoint.

  • Seeks to understand what others are currently doing about a problem.

  • Intuitively places together new combinations of material for innovative solutions.

  • Considers all the alternatives first, along with the impacts of each solution.

  • Quickly and deftly perceives all the parts of a problem and their interrelationships.

  • Determines the values involved for each solution.

  • Looks for solutions that will contribute to overall harmony.

  • First considers the larger picture, then focuses on people, moves to applying logic and finally considers all the facts.

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Stress Profile  

Stress plays a significant factor in our abilities to be effective at work and have healthy sustainable relationships.  The greater the stress, the harder it becomes to maintain quality work and quality relationships. Each personality type has strengths and blind spots.  Under stress, blind spots emerge and people rely on their least favourite functions to operate. Below are a few clues as to how stress affects your particular personality type (Note: you and one other type have matching patterns in manifesting and managing stress, so you may find someone with an almost identical profile).
  • Being overextended and over-committed.

  • Neglecting needed food and rest, creating physical exhaustion or illness.

  • Doing detailed methodical step-by-step work over extended periods.

  • Continually managing episodes of red tape, bureaucracy and senseless rules.

  • Begins to lose their enthusiasm, optimism and energy for life – it is no longer fun.

  • Starts to withdraw and becomes depressed, sad and despondent.

  • Turns very picky, finicky, irritable, rigid and crabby.

  • Verbal skills decrease and talking with others becomes difficult.

  • Grows overly emotional, believing no one understands or cares about them.

  • Becomes exceedingly analytical, literal and insensitive toward others.

  • May obsessively clean, organise files, chequebooks, calendars, or create detailed to-do lists.

  • Escalates small issues into major problems.

  • Takes narrowly focused data and erroneously projects it into a vague and gloomy future with few choices.

  • Physical sensations, real or imagined, are spun into a horrible and serious illness.

  • Leads to self-neglect and if prolonged, eventually becomes ill.

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Gaining Equilibrium
  • Doing meditation or taking some time to reflect.
  • Being left alone by others so their episode can ‘bottom out.’
  • Taking relaxing walks in nature.
  • Exercise, sleeping more, eating better foods, or having a massage or bodywork.
  • Talking to others without judgement or advice being offered.
  • Receiving warmth, kindness and approval from others.
  • Unobtrusive help with details.
  • Taking better care of themselves physically.

  • Recognising their need for solitude and quiet time by themselves.

  • Appreciating the management of details and developing better organisational skills.

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People are usually most effective when their environment matches their preferences and work style.  When a good match is not present, it will be more difficult to achieve results.  Below are some of your work preferences and key characteristics that you look for in work, or that you try to avoid.  These key characteristics also indicate how you would typically like to be managed or related to.  If you find these comments of value, it might be very worthwhile to share and discuss this section with your manager.
  • Pursues environments that are warm, accepting and people oriented.  

  • Prefers situations where his/her vision can be implemented.  

  • Enjoys work that is fun and playful, or interest is lost.  

  • Prefers work environments that are flexible and spontaneous.  

  • Likes being affirmed, acknowledged and recognised.  

  • Avoids situations where people are not allowed to participate and contribute.  

  • Loves to put out fires and create last-minute improvisations.  

  • Desires freedom to improvise and dislikes being placed in a box.  

  • Maintains interest when there is always something new to master.  

  • Wants the ability to express him/herself, grow and learn.

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On a Team

Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own.  Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other.  Given your personality preferences, the following are the strengths and possible blind spots you will most likely bring to a team:

  • Has an infectious excitement that inspires others.

  • Contributes creative ideas along with humanitarian values and limitless potential.

  • Constantly empowers and validates others and their contributions.

  • Allows team members to share and express themselves.

  • Is terrific at integrating people, resources, and overall vision.

  • Makes a team member feel understood, appreciated and part of the crew.

  • Has little patience with the small details, preferring to concentrate on the larger picture.

  • Needs others to set best timelines and deadlines.

  • Can sometimes lead the team off-track because he/she is able to see so many possibilities in a project.

  • Is often optimistic about time schedules and workload, sometimes-promising more than what is "do-able" or reasonable.

  • Is irritated by team members who think/see negatively or through a small lens.

  • Is irritated by team members who do not respect others.

  • May distract the team from its purpose by constantly speaking random thoughts and sharing multiple solutions out loud.

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Learning Style

For many years it has been known that different personality types have different ways of learning.  Knowing how a person learns is a big advantage for structuring on-the-job training or classroom instruction.  Once again, you may find this section valuable to share with your manager.  Your learning style is as follows:

  • Enjoys learning that is an adventure and is a creative experience.

  • Is left cold by hard-core structure or straight lectures.

  • Learns through a variety of methods: reading, writing, listening, interacting with others and observation.

  • Is interested in how information will affect the future.

  • Becomes entranced with new ideas and, if a topic is interesting, will pursue it.

  • Excels when the instructor or facilitator takes a personal interest in him/her and who provides deadlines.

  • Needs time to explore possibilities, ask questions and use his/her imagination.

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Opportunities for Growth

As we have said before, each person has his or her strengths and blind spots.  Sometimes strengths are over-used and become blind spots.  We tend to simply ignore other modes of being as we rely on our favourite preferences.  When our strengths are over used, they can become our only tools, possibly becoming irritants to others, or blocking out other possibilities and choices that we may have when responding to situations.  As we grow and mature, it is important to pull back from our favourite ways of doing things and build skills in the areas of our least favourite preferences.  We thereby become a more balanced and versatile individual.  The following suggestions address some of your more obvious blind spots and are areas to pay attention to if they have been ignored up to this point:

  • Prioritise personal and others' needs and values- it is easy to start drowning in an ocean of ideas and possibilities, each of which seems important and critical. 

  • Turn your mind off by getting into physical exercise- information overload and burnout is always just around the corner .Try to develop more realistic objectives within more realistic time frames.

  • Place greater attention on de-personalising material, projects, information and solutions.

  • Choose tasks carefully to avoid losing out on rewards and recognition- incomplete tasks, being irresponsible and frittering away time and energy are real dangers.

  • Practice setting goals, carefully choose a particular course of action to which you can stay committed and then stay on course until it is complete.

  • Pay more attention to those irritating details and routines- you will miss less and be more accurate in your decision-making.

  • Do not get lost by obsessing about any one particular fact- write down all of your information about a situation, look at the pros and cons and rank importance.

  • Pause and reflect first before bounding off in another direction- others can get easily frustrated by your tendency to switch gears in mid-stream.


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