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The Discovery Personality Test
Researched, created and validated by Psychological Research Foundation LLC.

Your Report -
D Specimen


Your personality - as well as skills and experience - has a tremendous impact on your work success, personal growth and relationships.

The Discovery Personality Test analyses your personality and behaviour - both in work and non-work situations.  Based on the widely used DISC personality model, your report indicates your strengths and possible areas for self-development.

This report does not pretend to be 100% accurate - all personality test measurements contain some error.  Maximise the qualities that will support you in achieving your goals. Minimise or compensate for the qualities that may impede your progress towards your goals.

Some people believe that using the DISC model to describe personality is an over-simplification. Before coming to such a conclusion consider this...
"there are only three primary colours and yet they allow us to produce every single colour, tone and hue in the world". 

The Theory Behind
The Discovery Personality Test

This test is based on the highly successful DISC model of personality.  Tests based on this model have been administered more than 50 million times throughout the world to help select and develop people. 

The DISC Theory was developed by William Moulton Marston in the 1920's.  (W. M. Marston: 1893-1947, Harvard graduate, lawyer, psychologist and educational consultant.)  Since then the theory has been refined and validated by many eminent psychologists and HR professionals. The Discovery Personality Test takes this a step further. 

The Discovery Personality Test applies the 'Blink' Decision Making Technique that is revolutionising the accuracy of psychometric testing. 

Disc Personality Model

Dominance Describes the way you deal with problems, assert yourself and control situations.
Influence Describes the way you deal with people, the way you communicate and relate to others.
Steadiness Describes your temperament - patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
Compliance Describes how you approach and organise your activity, procedures and responsibilities.

Your Discovery Report

Your responses indicate that you ....

  DISC Graph
  • strive to create a structured and harmonious environment.
  • prefer to let others initiate action.  
  • are inclined to be reserved and conservative.
  • are rarely impetuous and usually lean towards a more cautious approach.
  • are comfortable working alone.

  • tend to take little at face value.

  • are precise and factual in your relationships.

  • tend only to use your social skills when circumstances dictate.  At other times you may tend to be rather detached and distant.

  • are patient and persistent.

  • are usually calm and controlled.   

  • have the ability to deal with the task in hand and to do routine work with diligence and care.

  • are comfortable following well-defined procedures and systems in both at work and at play. 

  • prefer working in a stable and ordered environment.

  • tend to avoid risk-taking. 

  • prefer sticking to methods that have proven to be successful in the past. 

  • have a high acceptance of rules and regulations.

Your Personality Profile & Summary

You have a strong inner drive to be systematic and precise in all that you do. 
You are a natural choice for work that requires attention to detail and accuracy.

Your desire for perfection may cause you, at times, to get rather 'bogged down'.  You are likely to arrive at a good conclusion but some people may become rather frustrated by your decision making speed.

A stable and predictable working environment is definitely for you.    You are likely to be rather uncomfortable - and find it difficult to function - in an unstructured work place.

You should be good at handling the pressure and stresses of every day life.  In fact when under pressure your analytical approach should enable you to clinically appraise what's happening rather than re-acting emotionally.

Your prime value to an organisation

  • Your conscientiousness, diligence and attention to detail. 

  • Your constant striving for accuracy and high standards.

Tactics & Strategies for Increased Effectiveness
Being analytical and objective
counts for a lot.  But, people have emotions too!  Often the rituals and courtesies of  life may count for more than you might think.  In addition, some people prefer to be dealt with in a more assertive, confident and demonstrative manner.

Develop and use your empathy.  Make an extra effort to put yourself 'in the other person's shoes' and modify your behaviour and approach accordingly.

Discovery 'Patterns' or 'Classifications'

Compare your personality profile to the DISC Patterns


To help communication and understanding, researchers and experts in the DISC Personality Model have defined what are known as 'Patterns' or 'Classifications'.


These Patterns are based on the interaction of the four traits measured by the DISC model.

(Patterns are given names.  The objective of these names is to give a single descriptive term that captures the essence of that personality profile.)


'The Perfectionist'
The Pattern that is most similar to your personality profile is frequently called 'The Perfectionist'.

Here are some key words that people often use to describe The Perfectionist:


Conservative; modest; logical; systematic; factual; non-demonstrative; deliberate; careful; precise; accurate; predictable; controlled.

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